Reincarnation (Parte 1.1)

The poem Reincarnation really stood out to me as I am currently (and permanently) in a period of transition and self re-identification. Over the past couple years, I felt as though I have been on this frantic search to find my true identity. I had this desperate need to figure out who I was immediately. I searched inwardly and outwardly in vain before I realized that my identity is not set or stagnant. My identity is ever changing, and I was never going to pinpoint and define the 'correct me'. As a response, I have recently stopped my desperate search with the intent of letting myself grow and change with abandon. I am ever changing and much like Anzaldua writes, I have shed my self and will again. Yet as I look back over the years onto how I changed, I wonder what interesting and true parts of myself I left behind out of neglect, out the need to fit into boxes. Is my growth a legitimate step towards my true identity? and akin to Anzaldua I wonder if I will make it to my core.
